We are a tight-knit group of data scientists, developers and story tellers - we build the services of the future with ambitious and pragmatic partners. Read more about our tech.

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How are we different?

Our core team are natives to working from different parts of the world, even pre-pandemic. We select only t-shaped individuals to join our ranks, which means we possess not just great specialist abilities; but arguably the most versatile group of hardened problem-solvers out there. No joke.

Curious? Get to know us by reading the latest on our blog

DropBy Takes On TNW With Recruitment, Reinvented

Speed Dating for Recruiting: Matching Ukrainian Tech Pros with Nordic Companies

What does it mean to have sisu in 2021? AI and NLP tackle semantics

Why your company should adopt the 30-hour workweek - let's cut the excuses

Work with us

Whether you are a true wizard in your own field, or an interdisciplinary chameleon, we'd love to connect and hear more about your adventures and aspirations.

See who's here already

In addition to your skills in software/hardware development, data science, design, etc – you're most likely to thrive working with us if: